Sitting on my deck experiencing the beauty of God. There are clouds and sun and occasional breezes. The birds are active at the feeders. A squirrel has visited me here on the deck. It is relatively quiet so I can hear the breeze, birds and activities of the neighborhood. I can't help but love being outside and loving what I am experiencing.
Last week during practice we explored the beauty of the day. We shared Genesis 1:29 "So God created the great creatures of the sea and every thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." NIV. God created our surroundings so no wonder many of us feel connected to God as we experience it. We also shared a poem by Joseph T. Renaldi "Once Upon A Summer Day." It reminds me about that which God has made. Take some time this week to sit outside and breath, listen and observe. Share how you experienced God in your time. Once Upon A Summer Day Joseph T. Renaldi Once upon a Summer day, Birds chirped in a musical way, Grass drenched in the morning dew, The sky covered in a vast color of blue. Once upon a summer day, Flowers bloomed in full array, Bright rays of sunlight spilled Upon my garden on the hill. Once upon a summer day, Thunder rumbled and prolonged its stay, But after the rain tumbled down, This summer day wore a glorious rainbow crown.
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AuthorI enjoy yoga as it brings peace to my life. Teaching yoga has brought joy to my life and given me a chance to encourage others in learning yoga. Archives
July 2020